Monday, January 6, 2014

Guide to guitar patterns – Learning Guitar from a different perspective

Welcome to the Guide to Guitar Patterns.

Learning Guitar from a different perspective – When you see the simplified presentation of fret patterns you will be amazed at how easy this will make getting by the initial steps of understanding the mechanics of guitar playing.Written by a friend of mine from an engineering perspective.

This study guide presents some of the patterns to be discovered and explored as you learn the guitar fretboard. It is intended to assist the new guitarist on how patterns are developed and show how the patterns move as you learn and change Key Signatures. The text of this booklet is to add a description to the obvious patterns and general directional guide for the next step.
In these first 10 lessons, you will learn the pattern of scales and the pattern of the modes. As you learn how to change scales and how the modes are formed within each scale, you will start to unlock the patterns on the fretboard for the major scales and the modes within them.
Once the patterns become obvious, it becomes easy to learn the pattern and apply the pattern. It was in the development of the patterns for the authors own personal use that the many figures were generated to replicate the pattern and see how the patterns move from key to key and from fretboard position to fretboard position. With a couple of simple patterns, more complex patterns can be generated, learned and practiced.
In these 63 pages are 41 figures mainly to show the fretboard, key signatures, chords within the key and layout of the bass and treble clefs with sharps and flats. Ten lessons for a little more than half the price of one private lesson.

This study guide does not replace proper schooling, good instructional methods or good technique. It is a graphical representation of the guitar fretboard for scales and modes of the different keys. It is intended to assist the new guitarist on how patterns are developed and show how the patterns move as you learn and change Key Signatures. The text of this booklet is to add a description to the obvious patterns and general directional guide for the next step. This guide will make some assumptions on the skill level of the guitarist, the knowledge of the guitarist and the enthusiasm of the guitarist.

Use the tables provided in the book to help schedule some dedicated practice time. Write in the blocks the time you start practicing and the time you finish. Add notes to the side block if it helps. Get a calendar and mark that up if it helps also.

 Anything you do to help you schedule and practice is great!
Go and do it!
lessons 11-21 coming out in April 2014.
CLICK HERE to Order your copy – Download Only.  $9.95
Payment and fulfillment for this product will run through my Rising Sun Cycles E commerce site. Do not be alarmed! We have been in business for 20 years and just helping a friend market his book.

For any questions and suggestions contact the author at 

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